Growing Juniper Bonsai Trees

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Blue Juniper Bonsai trees can be both beautiful as well as a challenge. You will need to be certain that you have the time and patience to care for it so that it will continue growing and remain healthy. Ensure you read up on the treatment and care of your plants so that you know what to expect.

If you are contemplating raising a Bonsai tree you may want to consider using a Juniper Bonsai tree. They are very hardy and are not as sensitive to environmental changes as other examples of bonsai. Juniper Bonsai Trees have a higher tolerance for a variety of planting conditions.

Many growers have used them to grow into cascade form and they have worked out very well. Some other varieties of trees are not prone to cascade, however, the Juniper is usually easier to work with.

Juniper trees enjoy direct sunlight sun and dry to moist soil. Make sure there is enough drainage for any excess water to be drained away.

The plant should be fed roughly once a month on a regular basis. Some people prefer to use fertilizers in the soil however, this is not generally recommended as it is preferable to maintain a natural balance.

If you have repotted the tree then you should wait for it to settle before you add any kind of fertilizer to the soil. If you do choose to add a fertilizer to the soil please use a mild one that does contain any strong chemical. Be sure that you carewully measure and keep to the recommended mixture ratio.

When you repot the plant, it is very important that you take the time to carefuly trim the roots to make sure they do not over grow the container. If your tree is over 10 years of age, it is recommended that it should be repotted every 24 to 36 months.

As with other types of tree, the recommended growth medium is a mix of peat, sand and soil. However some gardeners have used leaf mold and soil as an alternative.

When you prune any excess branches, you will need to repot the tree. Remember this is a delicate job, so use be very careful so as not to traumatize the tree.

If you need to prune any branches, gently pinch them away. If you can, twist them gently off the branch, and make sure you do not put pressure on it or bend it. The amount of pruning will depend upon how fast the tree is growing.

It is quite common to see small mites on your tree. They will cause the leaves to yellow and spot. If you think that your tree may have mites, gently tap it and if they move, you know you for sure that you have a problem with bugs

If you do, you can spray with an insecticide or try using a solution of nicotine and water. Place some tobacco in water and once the tobacco dissolves and the solution is a tan to dark brown color spray it directlty onto your tree. This should get rid of the bug problem. If not, you may want to consult a horticulturist or local garden center.