10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Zig-Zag Furrow Irrigation Method

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This method suitable for a land which is quite levelled. The water is lead in first furrow and the flow of water is continued to second furrow through a breach in the ridge at the terminal end of the run. After completion of the run in the second furrow, the terminal end of the flow is continued to the third furrow through a breach. A number of furrows are irrigated with a single run of water that moves in a zig-zag way through furrows.

Check and Furrow Irrigation Systems
Check and Zig Zag Furrow Irrigation Systems


  • Water is applied uniformly and the wastage of water minimum. There is less evaporative loss from furrows.
  • Soil gets sufficient time to absorb water.
  • It is a very suitable method for irrigating row crops in level land
  • Soil erosion is checked.
  • Very efficiency supplied of water in soil.


  • Uneven distribution of water in the different furrows,
  • The method is only suitable for row crops.
  • Irrigation cost is higher as it involves much labour.
  • More time is required for irrigation.
  • Manually irrigation methods.
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