8 Benefits of Rhizobium leguminosarum Bacteria

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One type of bacteria that is very useful for crops is Rhizobium leguminosarumbacteria. These bacteria are classified as good bacteria and they give added value in the field of agricultural biotechnology in Indonesia.

Rhizobium leguminosarumbacteria can form symbiotic relationship with root nodules of leguminoceae plants (of nuts), thus its existence is very important in farmland fertilizing and Nitrogen fixation. Moreover, Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria has an important role in nature’s Nitrogren cycle that can help in oxidizing the chemical compound Nitrite to Nitrate that will be freed back into the atmosphere.

Thus, it is important in farming to keep monoculture farming activity, one of which is the crop rotation technique. Crop rotation is a series of farming activity by scheduling rotations on certain months of the year. In addition, the scheduling of crop type per one year should always be filled with various plants, for examples to be used as secondary crops are cassava, peanuts, watermelons, etc.

On the root nodules of peanut plants there are good bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum.
On the root nodules of soyabeans plants there are good bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum.

Crop rotation is a really good technique to be adapted in agriculture because it can return the soil function and quality that is stress-free and it can keep getting different nutrients for every crop on rotation.

Here are more benefits of Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria found on root nodules of legume and nut plants:

  1. Fertilizing farmland because Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria is important in nature’s Nitrogen cycle.
  2. Helping plants, trees, fruits, and vegetables flourish.
  3. Fertilizing farmland by planting legume and nut plants in crop rotation so that these free-N fixation bacteria stay active.
  4. Loosening soil for crops from its chemical and mechanical activity, thus earning Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria the title of the pioneer bacteria from several farmers.
  5. Keeping soil humidity, temperature, drainage, and acidity (pH) stabile and optimum so the next crops will adapt better to their new environment.
  6. Causing easy growth for seeds planted on soil after it is used to plant legume and nut plants.
  7. Keeping farmland’s soil nutrient intact.
  8. Helping to decompose nutrients in soil before they are absorbed by xylems in roots, as believed by several researchers.So those were 8 benefits of Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria for your gardening and farming purposes in agriculture and agricultural biotechnology. Hope it helps.
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